Defence R&D Canada – Atlantic (DRDC Atlantic) has hired OEA Technologies Incorporated to refurbish three long-range CODAR SeaSondes and conduct SeaSonde site surveys within Nova Scotia. The work includes assessment, upgrades and analysis of theoretical coverage. OEA is the exclusive Canadian and eastern Caribbean supplier and technical service representative for CODAR Ocean Sensors, of Mountain View, California.
CODAR HF radars, which are also called “SeaSondes”, detect and monitor synoptic surface currents and certain wave parameters. They are located entirely onshore, which facilitates installation, operation and maintenance. Offshore range depends upon SeaSonde model and environmental conditions. Models are also available for operation in bays and marine waterways.
SeaSondes meet various needs. The long-range model transmits the furthest offshore, between 140 and 200 km. The nearshore model provides the highest spatial resolution – as fine as a few hundred meters. Unlike a current meter deployed in the water column, CODAR SeaSondes provide a synoptic view, which displays continuously as a map of surface currents. Data are transferred back to the user automatically. This also facilitates remote monitoring, operation and maintenance.
Check out the book A Sense of the Sea
According to ocean observing specialist Dr. Brian G. Whitehouse, the common view of the sea is based on perception, not fact.
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